Where to Find Us:

Challenge Denver
789 Sherman St.
#250 Challenge Denver
Denver, CO 80203

Phone: 614-579-1217

Special Facebook Promotion!


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Calendar & Volunteer Opportunities

Our programming is in full swing this school year! Check the dates and locations below if you are interested in volunteering. Approximately 25 adult volunteers are needed as participants in each Challenge Day. If you are interested in volunteering at a Challenge Day, please complete the request form at the bottom of this page and our school partners will reach out to you soon!

DC-21 September 9th & 10th
Bruce Randolph School September 14th & 15th
STRIVE Prep Excel September 16th
STRIVE Prep Montbello September 17th
Englewood High School September 28th & 29th
Englewood Middle School September 30th & October 1st
Grant Beacon Middle School November 18th 
Thomas Jefferson High School  January 19th & 20th 
High Point Academy  January 21st 
South High School TBD 

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